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About EMV

EMV is the global transaction authentication standard for cards that are chip-based, dramatically reducing the risk of fraud for card present transactions.

A card with an EMV Chip, has a unique code generated for each transaction, each time a payment is made. That means that every transaction and its associated data is unique. Even if the transaction data is stolen by a hacker, this code cannot be replicated and used again.

With this chip, an EMV card can also not be replicated and it ensures that merchants accept or process payments from ‘real’ cards and not from ‘fake cards’ with copied credit card data.

EMV Certified Terminal

ADVAM works with acquiring banks and card schemes to ensure that our terminals are EMV Certified and ready to accept secure transactions.

The certification process involves a number of tests on the ADVAM supplied payment terminals as well as the core software and the relationship to each payment scheme (Visa, Mastercard, Amex etc). Each step is tested and certified in order to deliver an end-to-end EMV payment solution.

What this means for your business

Using EMV certified terminals reduces your risk as a business. Because card issuers can guarantee that EMV-processed transaction is a genuine transaction, the liability is shifted from yourself to the card issuer. You can be confident that the terminals and payments processed by ADVAM, meet the security requirements for EMV.

We also have experience of working with clients who need to migrate to EMV. We are able to guide you through each step of the journey, making the move to EMV as straight forward as possible.


Read news about ADVAM EMV